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ICTV Reports

Producers: Baneet Pukhrambam, Carly Kuriger, Emma La Battaglia

History in the Making

Host Devon Jarvis covers Ben Shapiro’s visit to Ithaca. Correspondent Sarah Mooney dives into how Tompkins County is navigating New York State’s “Code Blue” protocol. Correspondent Noah Darling sits down with the Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) to discuss changes in their operations. Correspondent Kendell Moats investigates Ithaca Starbucks locations’ closures.

Voices of Community

In the season sixteen premiere, ICTV Reports dives deep into the heart of Ithaca to explore the diverse communities that make this town unique. From the vibrant local music scene to the dedicated beekeeping community, we uncover the passions and traditions that bring people together. Additionally, we investigate the controversial Yellow Deli, examining its impact…
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A Home For All

Host Ryan Harmon interviews Ithaca Mayor Robert Cantelmo. Correspondent Alyssa Beebe covers how Ithaca welcomes migrants after the reopening of the Southern border. Correspondent Lindsey Peters explores Ithaca’s non-kill animal shelters.

Taking the Next Step

Host Ryan Harmon covers how a Cornell student won the Common Council election for Ithaca’s Fourth Ward, without announcing his candidacy until election day. Correspondent Ally Lemon explores the Tompkins County 9-1-1 Center and how it works to protect local missing children. Correspondent Inbaayini Anbarasan covers the lack of childhood development specialists in Ithaca. Correspondent…
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Generational Impacts

Host Kristina Dillon explores the Israel-Hamas conflict and the effects it has had on the Ithaca Community. Correspondent Carolina Cedraschi visits Ithaca’s Southside Community Center where music and real-world issues are combined to educate children. Correspondent Eleanor Patterson explores the relationship between Ithaca residents and the party culture created by students from Ithaca College and…
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Building a Sustainable Future

Host Kristina Dillon looks into Ithaca’s increasingly large unhoused population and what organizations and individuals can do to help. Correspondent Ryan Harmon covers a 4 million dollar deal between Cornell University and the City of Ithaca.

A City in Motion

Grant Johnson gets an inside look at the LGBTQIA+ community in Ithaca. He sits down with local drag performers and learns more about how they look to entertain, educate and inspire. Then, correspondent Aubren Villasenor investigates Ithaca as a hub for new ideas. It’s an exploration into the top innovative spaces and innovators in the…
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A Renewed Focus on Ithaca

  Grant Johnson sits down with real estate experts and affordable housing developers tackling the housing crisis in Ithaca. Then, correspondent Kristina Dillon speaks with leaders in charge of a major development project at the Shops at Ithaca Mall in a time when many retailers are moving out of the shopping center. Also, correspondent Ryan…
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Seeking Safety and Reform

Host Riley Garand looks into the war in Ukraine and the effect it has had on the Ithaca Community. Then, Correspondent Grant Johnson looks into the dangers of the Ithaca gorges, and what preventative measures are being taken to ensure safety.

A Time of Reform

       Host Riley Garand takes a look at gun violence and potential preventative measures. Then, Correspondent Molly Sheets looks into gun violence and safety in schools. How the Ithaca City School District is working to prevent incidents of gun violence in schools. Also, Correspondent Jordan Broking explores understaffing in Ithaca schools. Why Ithaca…
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