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Fake Out

Where B.S. is at its Best!

Producers: Ariel Alania, Anita Preuss, Sam Shay, Steven Porpora

World Teacher Day

For the second episode of Fake Out’s new season, the theme is “World Teacher Day.” Our guessers compete to become teacher’s pet, so grab your pen and paper and join us!

Back to School Bogus

Kicking off the 20th season of Fake Out with the first episode of our shorter remote show. The theme is “Back to School Bogus.”

Rubber Eraser Day

See what mistakes our liars erase on our final episode of season 18!


Tune in to see how much knowledge our contestants have about books!

April Fools!

Fake Out’s favorite holiday! Tune in to see how we do April Fools.

National Nutrition Month

Tune in to see what everyone favorite cheat snack is! Happy National Nutrition Month!

Noodle Month

See which one of our liars is an impasta! You won’t want to miss it.


Lets see how well our contestants know about grammar!

National Chocolate Covered Nut Day

Tune in to the end to see the ultimate Fake Out our contestants have ever experienced!