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The Director's Chair

Filmmaking News, Student Films, and More!

Producers: Sarah Doyle, Liam Donovan, Emily Schneider, Ben Rymer

Chloe Zonis and Emily Schneider in The Director’s Chair

Host Lukas Kauffman sits down for an interview with Chloe Zonis and Emily Schneider about their work on the thesis film “Invaders.” Before that, news hosts Leah and Ashley talk upcoming movies, film technology, and what’s happening around Park and the panel discusses holiday movies.

Gracie Ferguson and Sophia Guarnaschelli in The Director’s Chair

Host Lukas Kauffman sits down for an interview with Gracie Ferguson and Sophia Guarnaschelli about their work on the upcoming thesis film, “STRIKE.” Before that, news hosts Leah and Ashley talk upcoming movies, film technology, and what’s happening around Park and the panel discusses romcoms.

Will Cherico is in The Director’s Chair

Host Lukas Kauffman sits down for an interview with Sophia Rubino about his work on his thesis film “Peep and Chatter”. Before that, news hosts Leah and Ashley talk upcoming movies, film technology, and what’s happening around Park and the panel discusses Halloween movies.

Kate Drickel and Meredith Ford are in The Director’s Chair

Host Lukas Kauffman sits down for an interview with Kate Drickel and Meredith Ford about their work on their thesis film “Whispers in the Woods” Before that, news hosts Leah and Ashley talk upcoming movies, film technology, and what’s happening around Park and the panel discusses childhood movies.

Mia Valencia is in The Director’s Chair

Host Lukas Kauffman sits down for an interview with Mia Valencia about her thesis film “See You in Three”. Before that, news hosts Leah and Ashley talk upcoming movies, film technology, and what’s happening around Park and the panel discusses biopics!

Sophia Rubino is in The Director’s Chair

Host Lukas Kauffman sits down for an interview with Sophia Rubino about her work on the upcoming Dillingham production “The Stephens: Sondheim and Schwartz.” Before that, news hosts Leah and Ashley talk upcoming movies, film technology, and what’s happening around Park and the panel discusses coming of age movies.

Louis Pratt & Jaime Von Bartheld are in The Directors Chair

Learn about upcoming movies and film technology along with what’s happening around Park with the Sophia and Janelle in news! In this episode the panel debates super hero fatigue. Finally join as host Margo Boyd interviews Louis Pratt & Jaime Von Bartheld about working at Park Promo.

Aria Mix is in The Directors Chair

Learn about upcoming movies and film technology along with what’s happening around Park with the Sophia and Janelle in news! In this episode the panel discusses Movie Soundtracks. Finally join as host Margo Boyd interviews Aria Mix about his thesis film “What is it Worth”.

Conor Van Sise is in The Director’s Chair

Learn about upcoming movies and film technology along with what’s happening around Park with the Sophia and Janelle in news! In this episode the panel discusses Timeless Movies. Finally join as host Margo Boyd interviews Conor Van Sise about his thesis film “VEILS”.

Lauren Thier and Ian Joy are in The Directors Chair

Learn about upcoming movies and film technology along with what’s happening around Park with the Sophia and Janelle in news! In this episode the panel discusses their favorite comfort films. Finally join as host Margo Boyd interviews Lauren Thier and Ian Joy about their thesis film “The Boy I Knew Too Well”.