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The Director's Chair

Filmmaking News, Student Films, and More!

Producers: Ben Rymer, Luke Johnson, Matthew Dean, Sarah Cochi

Shannon King in The Director’s Chair

  Learn about upcoming movies and film technology with the Sophia’s in news! In this episodes the panelists discuss a classic: romantic comedies. Finally see host Lukas Kauffman as he interviews Shannon King about her film Pants.

Jaquelyn Perreira in The Director’s Chair

Catch up on all Park and industry news with the Sophia’s in news. Hear the panelists discuss The Oscars! Join host Lukas Kauffman as he speaks with Jaquelyn Perreira about her experience with CCRF Phone Date!

Kate Drickel and Raymond Riley in The Director’s Chair

In the season 22 finale catch up on all Park and industry news with the news hosts and watch the panelists discuss their favorite and least favorite finales. Tune in as host Lukas Kauffman speaks with Kate Drickel and Raymond Riley about their film Guilt. All this and more on the jam packed season finale…
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Jem Taylor in the Director’s Chair

What does a Director of Photography do on a film set? Jem Taylor answers that question and more when talking to host Lukas Kauffman. Catch up on all Park and Industry news and listen to the panel discuss shows that we lost too soon. Watch this week and who knows maybe next time you could…
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Meg Handley in the Director’s Chair

Meg Handley in the Director’s Chair

Keegan Alber in The Director’s Chair

  Learn about upcoming movies and film technology with the Sophia’s in news! In this spooky Halloween episode the panel discusses scary movies. Tune into see host Lukas Kauffman as he interviews Keegan Alber about his film Chekhov’s Gun.

Peter Berle in The Director’s Chair

Catch up on all Park and industry news with the Sophia’s in news. Learn about the panelists favorite childhood movies and watch as they debate which is the best and worst Toy Story movie is! Listen to host Lukas Kauffman as he speaks with Peter Berle about his film .mp4.

Ben Brown in the Director’s Chair

Catch up on all Park and industry news with the news hosts and watch the panelists discuss overrated actors. The Sophia’s keep you updated all all entertainment and Park news! Listen to host Lukas Kauffman as he speaks with Ben Brown about his film Thalia.

Julia Davis in The Director’s Chair

    ICTV’s Station Manager, Julia Davis, joins host Lukas Kauffman in the director’s chair to talk about all things ICTV.

Mel and Maximus in The Director’s Chair

Catch up on all Park and industry news with the news hosts and watch the panelists discuss Superhero movies. Find out what movies Parkies are excited to see this summer! Listen to host Lukas Kauffman as he speaks with Mel Kardos and Maximus Bartron about their film, Gum.