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Month: October 2022

Filmmaking news, student films, and more!

Peter Berle in The Director’s Chair

Catch up on all Park and industry news with the Sophia’s in news. Learn about the panelists favorite childhood movies and watch as they debate which is the best and worst Toy Story movie is! Listen to host Lukas Kauffman as he speaks with Peter Berle about his film .mp4.

Ben Brown in the Director’s Chair

Catch up on all Park and industry news with the news hosts and watch the panelists discuss overrated actors. The Sophia’s keep you updated all all entertainment and Park news! Listen to host Lukas Kauffman as he speaks with Ben Brown about his film Thalia.

Julia Davis in The Director’s Chair

    ICTV’s Station Manager, Julia Davis, joins host Lukas Kauffman in the director’s chair to talk about all things ICTV.