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Fake Out

Where B.S. is at its Best!

Producers: Ariel Alania, Anita Preuss, Sam Shay, Steven Porpora

Fake Out Family Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving-themed season finale of Fake Out, the best liar team this season faces one last guesser to try and prove that they truly are the champions. Our guesser represents one of Ithaca’s dance groups IC Unbound. Will she dance her way to a win or will the champions serve the guesser a loss?…
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Constellation of Lies

This week on Fake Out, a team of all-star liars is assembled, each representing their teams. They’ve showcased what they can do individually, but let’s see how they do together. Our guesser, who is the president of Model UN, will try to diplomatically figure out who’s lying. Will the all-stars shine once again or will…
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Lies, Camera, Action!

  On this episode, we are celebrating National Public Television Day. Our guesser represents IC club tennis and will try to steal the spotlight from our liars. Will she serve the liars a loss, or will our liars rally to get the win. This is an episode you don’t want to miss!

All Tricks, No Treats

  On this spooky Halloween episode of Fake Out, our guesser, who is a producer for the ICTV show Bombers Live, will go for it all as he faces up against our liars. Will he be frightened by our liars’ lies, or will he escape the jaws of defeat? This one’s a thriller! Tune in…
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Fake Out the Old, Don’t Bring in the New

  In this retro-themed throwback Thursday episode, our guesser, who is a producer on the ICTV show Blacklisted, has to figure out some tough lies from the past. Will the past haunt our guesser or will she get the best of the liars? Tune in to find out!

Don’t “Fall” for the Lies

This week on Fake Out, we are celebrating pumpkin spice and everything nice about Fall! Our guesser this week represents VIC radio and tries not to “fall” for the lies the liars tell. Tune in to see if the guesser rises to the occasion, or if they “fall” to defeat.

Hungry For the Win

In this food-filled episode of Fake Out, our guesser will have to use their noodle to try and figure out which liar is lying. Our guesser is a producer for the ICTV show In Other Words and is hungry to continue her game show winning streak. Tune in to find out what happens!

Fake Out: The Musical

  Make your way to your seats ladies and gentlemen because it’s opening night and we’re celebrating Broadway musical day! For the first episode of season 24, our guesser joins us from Ithaca College’s theater arts program. Tune in to see if our guesser or our liars steal the show.

Liar, Liar Who’s on Fire

On this special season finale of Fake Out, the season-long battle of the Liars comes to a head! With two liars tied for first place, they go head to head to win the spot as the guesser for the episode. Then, our top liar faces off against their teammates in an ultimate lying showdown. You…
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The “Fake Out”doors

It’s National Park Week and Fake Out is celebrating all things nature has to offer! Our guesser tonight is a hiking aficionado, so tune in to see if they are on our liars’ trail or will be faked out! Also with one more episode until the season’s finale, the liar competition heats up as they…
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